Saturday, April 24, 2010

Leile had a close incounter with a Dog

A little too close. As horrified as we were we can't help but feel it could have been worse. When a dog decides to bite sometimes it doesn't stop. I wasn't ready for the world to makes it's mark on her perfect face. I know it was bound to happen. We all have battle wound from our youth but not Leile, not yet. It's like the first time you drop a new cell phone or getting a stain on an expensive dress, but worse, because she's not a phone or a dress she's my baby girl and she's perfectly beautiful. And now she has three Stitches in her cheek.

Undesirable #1

Feel free to give this dog a swift kick in the rump the nest time you see it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

What is going on?

Thanks Giving, Christmas, even a birthday. We've been busy. And now sweet little Leile is three

Did I mention it's been a long cold winter. If you haven't heard my "bathroom pipes freezing" story ask me's a good one.